TonyTong.co 唐儀 個人簡介 履歷 CV, Resume , Bio 2022HKBA
TonyTong.co 唐儀
2018-Now : Co-Founder & Co-Chairman of Hong Kong Blockchain Association HKBA.club 香港區塊鏈協會 聯合會長.
2020-Now : Co-Founder of Edi.College 元宇宙教育學院.
2022-Now : Adjunct Professor at International Technological University ITU.edu based in Silicon Valley USA.
2018-Now : Co-Chairman of Belt & Road TechFin Association 一帶一路科技金融協會 執行會長 BRTechFin.org based in Hong Kong.
2018-2019 : Chief Strategic Officer of Madison Group 麥迪森集團 (香港上市 8057HK ) 首席策略官,
2000-2007 : Co-Founder, Pacificnet.
1991-1999 Mr. Tong worked for some the IT industry leaders in the USA, including Andersen Consulting, Seagate Technology (Storage), Information Advantage (Data Mining), DDS Inc (SAP System Partner). Tony Tong worked as Consultant at Andersen Consulting (now Accenture 埃森哲 NYSE : ACN ) Minneapolis , USA office, as a member of Andersen's fintech workflow automation services team. While in Andersen Consulting Minneapolis, Mr Tong provided mortgage automation wokflow systems development and integration services for USBank.com (NYSE: USB) and retail data warehousing system for Target.com ( 塔吉特 NYSE: TGT).
1997-2000 : Tony Tong US Internet Workflow Patent Inventor:
TonyTong.co 唐儀 Education :
1987-1991 : Mr. Tong graduated from the University of Minnesota UMN.edu 美國明尼蘇達大學 畢業 with a Bachalor's Degree in Mechanical Industrial Engineering and served as an adjunct professor at the University of Minnesota on internet technology courses.
1981-1986 : King's College, Graduated Form5, Hong Kong.

HKBA.club Tong.Team 课程 《资本运作: 企业融资 创业投资管理 天使投资》 TonyTong.co
Tong.Team 课程授课时间安排 Professor TonyTong.co 唐仪 教授 ITU.edu 美国明尼苏达大学 (Tony Tong, Adjunct Professor, ITU.edu , University of Minnesota , Edi.College )
授课时间:2023年9月2日 课程简介 教授简介 授课方式: 采用互动教学、问答方式,着重案例分析、分组讨论 Tong.Team Edi.College
课程内容 Course Syllabus www.Edi.College www.Tong.Team